Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes, President
2445 5th Ave, Suite 450
an Diego, CA 92101 USA
+1 619-298-1445 x116
M: +1 619-261-9580
mdg is a full-service marketing and public relations agency with a 43-year track record of creating powerful campaigns that deliver results. As a strategic partner for several of the most successful trade shows in the country, mdg works with its clients to increase qualified attendance, exhibitor participation, and market share by reacquiring lapsed participants, attracting new participants from core and niche markets, expanding internationally, drawing key attendees through VIP programs and capitalizing on the unique opportunities that exist in their respective marketplaces. When we begin planning an attendee acquisition campaign, we study the industry, the markets, the competition, the event. We then formulate customized solutions that blend strategy, technology, and creativity to advance an organization's specific objectives. We handpick a team with the skills that align with needs and budgets and that complement existing resources. And we use this formula as the platform for executing the kind of strategic, branding, digital marketing, international, and/or public relations projects that grow bigger, better events.