Sarah Varner
With over 18 years of B2B marketing experience Sarah Varner is a seasoned marketing strategist focused on bringing businesses and their targeted audiences together to meet goals and maximize ROI. Beginning her career over 14 years ago at Emerald Sarah has experience working across a variety of industries including home medical equipment, commercial and residential paving, industrial fasteners, decorated apparel, and products/services for US Marines. Outside of the office Sarah enjoys hiking, traveling, reading, cooking new recipes, and spending time with her husband, Neville, and their bichon-poodle, Andy.
15-Aug-2024Room 113ABC - PCCMaximizing Impact: Harnessing Data and Insight to Fuel Creativity
22-Aug-2023SPCC - 2nd Floor - Rm 250ABHear from Four Marketing, Sales, HR and Show Director Superstars … !
15-Aug-2024Room 113ABC - PCCMaximizing Impact: Harnessing Data and Insight to Fuel Creativity