14 Feb 2025
A Note from our CEO about SISO and the CEO Summit
This is a great time to get a few things done
- Register for the SISO CEO Summit, March 31 - April 3, 2025. More new members are attending this year, and registration is 20% up. If you are an independent organizer of any size, I promise these days will positively impact your business! Don't miss out; if you don't have a registration code and need one, contact Anna@siso.org.
- We manage our organizer-to-sponsor ratio very closely, but we still have room for a few sponsors while keeping our ratios where we like them. If you want to sponsor, contact Katherine@siso.org or any of us. We'd all be willing to take your information and discuss it with you!
- The Omni Barton Creek is a special place, and the hotel deadline is next Friday, February 21. Don't miss it if you are coming and planning to stay with us! As you might recall from Amelia Island, the event's energy extended well into the evening every night!
- Two big webinars next week
- On February 19, the Small Business SIG will host a webinar featuring Walter Charnizon and Steve Corrick of Collingwood, who will discuss our joint Benchmarking Survey. Register here!
- The Marketing SIG will hold a webinar on February 20 featuring Naomi Clare Crellin, The Audience Engagement Equation. Naomi is not to be missed.
Register here!
- On February 19, the Small Business SIG will host a webinar featuring Walter Charnizon and Steve Corrick of Collingwood, who will discuss our joint Benchmarking Survey. Register here!
- I'm planning a full day of activities on March 29th, culminating in a night in Austin. Make plans to join me! I just wanted to let you know that registration is not required; please contact me if you are interested.
With best regards,